(a) Signs of Roman gods
(b) Imaginary region that encompasses the path of the planets
(c) A group of stars
(d) None of these
(a) Mercury
(b) Venus
(c) Mars
(d) Saturn
(a) Elliptical or hyperbolical orbits,usually accompanied by a shining tail.
(b) Elliptical orbits usually accompanied by long shining tail.
(c) Hyperbolic orbit always accompanied by a shining head.
(d) Hyperbolic orbit without projecting any tail.
(a) 600 ℃
(b) 6000 ℃
(c) 500 ℃
(d) 5000 ℃
(a) Mercury
(b) Earth
(c) Jupiter
(d) Saturn
(a) Venus
(b) Mercury
(c) Earth
(d) Mars
(a) Neptune
(b) Mercury
(c) Pluto
(d) Jupiter 8.
(a) After it enters the atmosphere of the earth.
(b) After it enters the earth’s atmosphere and explodes in the mid air as a ball of fire.
(c) After it enters the earth’s atmosphere and lands on the surface of the earth without exploding in mid air.
(d) Before it enters the earth’s atmosphere.
(a) Mars
(b) Venus
(c) Saturn
(d) None of these
(a) They are meteors
(b) They are debris
(c) They emit light
(d) They are kind of stars