CSS International Relations Notes
Prepare Here For International Relations with Quality Notes By Best Teachers of Lahore !
Foreign policy
General objectives that guide the activities and relationships of one state in its interactions with other states.
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21st Century international security concept
International security, also called global security, refers to the amalgamation of measures taken by states and International organizations
“One has to behave as friend or foe according to the circumstances” – Thucydides
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According to Joseph Nye, successful states need both hard and soft power – the ability to coerce others as well as the ability to shape long term attitudes and preferences.
A process of interactions among people, companies and governments of different nations. A process triggered by international trade and finance aided by information technology.
“A body of scholarship that emphasizes on the role of gender in the study of world Politics.”
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Marxism in IR
When Karl Marx co-wrote the Communist Manifesto with Fredrich Engels in 1848, he had no idea that his work would still be affecting the social sciences over 150 years later.
Constructivism in IR
“A theoretical approach usually attributed to Alexander Wendt, which sees self-interested states as the key actors in world politics; their actions are determined not by
Post Modernism / Post Structuralism
It is an intellectual tradition which is based on the belief that truth is always contested and plural, sometimes summed up as disbelief towards metanarratives. (Jean Francois Lyotard)
The Interwar Period and the two World Wars (1914-1945)
“It is unfortunate fact that we can only secure peace through war” – J.F Kennedy
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The established method of influencing the decision and behavior of foreign governments and people through dialogues, negotiations, and other measures short of war and violence.
Nationalism and Internationalism
A mindset glorifying particular state and the nationality group living in it which sees the states’ interest as supreme value.
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International Political Economy
A study of interrelationship between economics and politics, and between state and markets. It also examines how politics is used to achieve economic goals and vice – versa
How world order ends
A stable world order is a rare thing in world history, however when one tends to arise it is after a great convulsion when we see a strong desire and the condition for something new and durable.
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