A New World Order | Parhae.pk

A New World Order

A new World Order

  1. Introduction

It lacks the clear definition; however, generally, we attribute a new world order idea to:

  • 1988, Gorbacheu’s speech in a general assembly UN:- “The post cold war era would be characterized by new world order—- A strong UN and de-ideologization of relations among states to achieve greater cooperation—also emphasize that force should not be considered legitimate int. affairs.
  • 1989, Malta conference— both Bush Senior and Gorbacheu committed themselves to shift from containment and antagonism between superpowers to cooperation.
  • 1990, September Bush Senior speech to US congress—proclaimed his vision for the post-cold war world
  1. How was president bush’s idea of a new world order different from Woodrow Wilson’s?

“The assertion of as shown by the gulf war that the int community should protect the sovereign independence of all the regimes irrespective of their complexion.

While Woodrow Wilson gave priority to liberal democratic states, which he called democratic peace.

  1. Principles/ Assumptions
  • Essentially it gave liberal hope and expectations
  • Common recognition of int norms and standards of morality
  • Peaceful resolution and settlement of disputes
  • To resist expansionism and aggression
  • to control and reduce the military arsenal
  • Ensuring just treatment of domestic population by respecting human rights
  • To sum up Fukuyama’s words ” World would now gravitate towards a single model of economic and political governance based on liberal democratic and market economy— END OF HISTORY

4-Alternative View

  • It weakened the internal cohesion of societies as ethno nationalist forces got visible
  • It unleashed centrifugal pressure
  • Terrorism—ideological, religious, civilization
  • Preemption
  • Regime Change

5-Will the US remain the global hegemon

  1. Yes
  • Because of its global military dominance
  • Economic resilience
  • Us population
  • The structural power of US— Economic influence of IFI’s—NATO 2007-09 leading role in an economic crunch
  1. No
  • Redundant military power— Syrian conflict not concluded as it wished, Vietnam, Afghanistan– desired changes not achieved
  • Relative economic decline (2000 US share of Global GNP 30% vs. now 19%)
  • Damage to soft power—globalization image and repute—int credibility eroded, unilateralism of Iraq–arrogant and self-righteousness —human rights ( Afghanistan, Kosovo)
  • Declining diplomatic influence–China being used to pacify and North Korea, Afghanistan declining diplomatic influence

6-Analysis/ Evaluation

  • It cleared the first test successfully— 1991 gulf war ( Kuwait and Iraq)
  • Organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) became a strong hope tp deal with Kosovo issue—late 90’s
  • Kosovo crisis, Iraq War, the Syrian conflict, Middle East, Afghan War— issues which eroded hope pinned on the new world order
  • 9/11 defining moment brought the great power back together
  • Iraq war 2001—great power unilateralism—fear of US hegemony
  • Questions which new world order had to face, clash of civilizations, fundamentalism
  • Middle East (Curse of oil, political Islam, Palestine-Israel conflict)
  • Anti-globalization and protectionist policy sentiments—Brexit and Trumpism
  • Globalization 2.0—OBOR new globalization


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