2220. The opening lines of Charlotte Smith’s “Beachy Head” refer to the speaker “reclin[ing]” on the “stupendous summit” of a “rock sublime” as her “Fancy” went forth. This poem reflects which of the following features common to much Romantic poetry ? | Parhae.pk

2220. The opening lines of Charlotte Smith’s “Beachy Head” refer to the speaker “reclin[ing]” on the “stupendous summit” of a “rock sublime” as her “Fancy” went forth. This poem reflects which of the following features common to much Romantic poetry ?

A. An emphasis on the relationship between a natural setting and the imagination as in Wordsworth’s poems
B. A focus on the poet as seer as in some of Keats’s poems
C. A call for social and political reform as in some of Shelley’s works
D. A nod to the poet as outcast as in some of Byron’s poems

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